Feels silky and smooth!
SHIN-ETSU SUBELYN® is a fluorinated coating which makes substrate surfaces extremely smooth.
Based on fluoro chemistry, it possesses high lubricity properties and is repellency to water and oil.
Only a few nanometer thick coatings and therefore it doesn't affect substrate color and appearance.
SHIN-ETSU SUBELYN® has been developed by combining Shin-Etsu's silicone technology and fluoro chemistry.
SHIN-ETSU SUBELYN® Applications:
Apply to various surfaces and feels smooth!
- Smartphones
- Tablets
Touch screen car stereos - Lens
- Computer displays
- and more...
- Anti smudge
- Anti stick
- Colorless
- Low friction constant or Very smooth
- Chemical resistance
- Water and oil repellent
- Transparent
- Weatherproof
- Durable to friction
- Heat and cold resistance
By using SHIN-ETSU SUBELYN®......
Very thin fluorinated coating can contribute to your product developments by modifying surfaces.
Use SHIN-ETSU SUBELYN® and achieve a superior smooth feeling!
Notices and disclaimers
Users are solely responsible for making preliminary tests to determine the suitability of products for their intended use.
Statements concerning possible or suggested uses made herein may not be relied upon, or be construed, as a guaranty of no patent infringement.
The product described herein has been designed, manufactured and developed solely for general industrial use only; the product is not designed for, intended for use as, or suitable for, medical, surgical, food or other particular purposes.
Users have the sole responsibility and obligation to determine the suitability of the product described herein for any application, to make preliminary tests, and to confirm the safety of the product for their use.
Users must never use the product described herein for the purpose of implantation into the human body and/or injection into humans.